Perhaps the most surprising discovery thus far has been how difficult it is to come up with a name that is both unique and meaningful, which can also be trademarked. For the first several years of our existence, we assumed that we could just use our family name, and we operated as Terry Family Wines. In the autumn of 2014, with wine ready to be bottled, we learned a new label was needed because a derivation of “Terry” was trademarked by a global company.
Stunned, we began searching for a meaningful name that wasn’t already taken. Our family gathered often, yellow note pads at the ready, glasses of wine in hand, listing countless ideas for names. The ones we considered revolved around themes that are important to us: nature, music, art, spirituality, love, family, and many others. We fell in love with the perfect name many times, only to find that it was already taken.

We began to notice a pattern. The names that we liked the most were two or more words linked together. Sometimes it was a melodic or unusual pairing of words or ideas… Sometimes we were drawn to names that were a comparison of two polarities.
We considered hundreds of names. Dictionaries were consulted. Synonyms and antonyms were compared. One evening we noticed that the common theme in all the names we liked was the word “and.” We got excited about the idea of “and” as a potential brand. After all, “and” the conjunction, is the ultimate connector of words, ideas, and phrases, much like our wine is a connector of people, ideas, food, nature and families.

“…and…” was certainly minimal as a name goes, but the question arose of “and” what? “And” is not a connector until it has two or more ideas to connect. The Eureka moment arrived when we came up with the idea of ellipses, the three dots preceding or following a word. We decided to put the ellipses at the front and back of the word “and” thus evoking the connotation of openness, surrounding the connectivity of “and”. The idea of universal connectivity was very exciting to us as a metaphor of how we see our wines – a connector of people, places, ideas, senses, nature’s rhythms, and family. Thus, our brand was born.
…and… is more than a wine or a brand, it represents a lifestyle of inclusion. In the midst of a world that is too often marked by exclusion, we invite you to share a bottle of our wine with friends, old and new, and to harmonize, unite, and gather to celebrate the simple things that join us all. We hope that you will enjoy our wines and that they will provide the backdrop for many happy adventures and exciting connections.